The Universal Heart is the voice of light that has called all Mentors to the one heart to embrace their truth and resolve all that separates them from this truth.
The Universal Heart works with 7 councils of light through the higher dimensions to align all in the group heart of the Mentors of Love and Wisdom to be the wayshowers for the Heart of Humanity.
The Universal Heart offers the blueprint and the vision for this group of Mentors, so they may align through their feminine heart to the loving light of God in deep co-creation and unity as one.
As the wayshowers, the group of divine channels has chosen to serve humanity through their loving hearts to assist all in the collective to understand that now is the new era on Earth and the collective heart is called to begin its infant steps into co-creation as one in unity.
The Universal Heart shares that no soul is the same. Each soul has been created as a great gift of God’s light. The individual purpose and gifts that each being has been given to manifest contributes to the collective and brings all back to the One Heart.
Yet in this uniqueness all is honoured, each soul is held and loved, and so unity is created as one through this united purpose.
The Universal Heart brings the blueprints and the vision of this new unity and anchors it in the group heart of the Mentors of Love and Wisdom so that the plan is known and aligned.
Then it calls for each soul that has committed to this path to join together, honouring the gifts of each other, so all may manifest through the keys and gifts that each soul holds and channels in their diversity to become one heart beating together in co-creation.
This is the blueprint that is being anchored and grounded into the heart of humanity through the Mentors of Love and Wisdom in loving service to the whole.
Lord Maitreya
Oversouls the evolution of the collective of humanity on Earth and holds the twin flame alight for all to embrace. This master calls to all souls in the collective of humanity to come into their Christed mastery acknowledging they are one with the Heart of God and that the Heart of God is one with them.
Mary Magdalene
Oversouls the evolution of the collective of humanity on Earth and holds the twin flame alight for all to embrace. This master calls to all souls in the collective of humanity to come into their Christed mastery acknowledging they are one with the Heart of God and that the Heart of God is one with them.
In’Easa mabu Ishtar
Sydney, Australia
Is an anointed embodied channel for a council of 33 Ascended Masters that are focused on anchoring and aligning the Christed heart on Earth in the collective that is called humanity. In’Easa mabu Ishtar is the founder and holder of the blueprint for the Mentors of Love and Wisdom.