The Prayer and Blessings Service Circle is a service circle of the Mentors of Love and Wisdom that meet each month and create a sacred ceremony to ask for prayers and blessings from God Source, the Enlightened Masters, the Archangelic and Angelic realms on behalf of those in need.
These requests can be made on behalf of friends, family, communities and other groups of people, countries or nature/animals. But you must have permission from any living person to make this request on their behalf.
This Service Circle does NOT ask for healing on behalf of any individuals or groups, but rather calls upon Divine energy to support those on the list each month.
To make a request please fill in the form below . We need the name of each person, and the country and state where they live. A request will need to be made each month for anyone to be included in the sacred ceremony.
(We do not need any other personal information or what their illness is.)