Noha Moustafa
Healer of the Silent Heart
Perth, Australia
Channel seed: Expresser
Oversouling Master: Lady Sarah
Higher Self: Briyana Maya Lomar
Briyana Maya Lomar works in the 14th dimension to support the consciousness that truly wishes to reconnect to their Divine Presence. She supports the conscious mind and heart to sit in stillness and silence of the being so they may truly listen to the sound of the divine moving through their being and all of their energy fields. She helps all souls to find that place of deep peace within them and to come and sit in this well of silence that comes from meeting with the Divine Presence of your being. She shows the busy mind and heart how to let go and accept that the silence and stillness of the heart and mind brings so much more consciousness to the being without the busy mind and the emotions disturbing or distorting the divine truth of that deep connection. Briyana Maya Lomar is a Pleiadean being that has worked with many healing councils but currently works with a council of divine light beings that uplift the consciousness of the soul when they are ready through peace and oneness that they meet within their core being through their connection to the Divine Presence of themselves. The soul needs to be ready to have this deep connection and be patient with themselves as they release all that blocks and limits them from finding this infinite place of peace and silence within them.
Monica Juarez
Keeper of the Healing Powers of Diamond Light to Enliven the Soul Heart
Mexico City, Mexico
Channel Seed: Connector
Oversouling Masters: Mother Mary
Higher Self: Shilumina Lanto
Shilumina Lanto works with the light councils that teach the soul of its divine presence and support the soul to lift its heart to the greater light, letting go of all limitation. She particularly works with the children of the light in the human form that become trapped in the limitation of their physical selves through their attachments to their experiences and stories that cause such pain and suffering. Shilumina teaches the soul that the human physical experience is simply a finite experience that is not the eternal heart of the soul, but the manifestation of what it has come to learn in its mastery on Earth. She helps the soul heart to open to its greater self, its infinite self and to focus less and less on what did or did not occur in the physical planes of manifestation. She explains these are simply old attachments of the soul that trap the soul in the physical body and all may be transcended to the infinite light of the Source within if one choose to open to healing all that one has created in the physical life that has caused such suffering and pain. She says it is a deep healing that requires surrender and the soul is asked to let go all that it holds that binds it to the Earth in suffering. There is no need for this she says. As she brings the sacred healing balms of light to the soul heart, she says to you to open and allow yourself to receive and let go of your attachments, dear heart, for it is time. As you learn what she has come to teach you then you will be able to bring this harmony to others so they too may heal and be free.
Susie Cameron
Keeper of the Healing Light that holds all in the Oneness of Divine Self
Sydney, Australia
Channel Seed: Creator
Oversouling Master: Lady Portia
Higher Self: Lilai’Ana Rai Kumara
Lilia’Ana Rai Kumara works with many light councils in the higher realms that open the doorways for souls to remember who they are. She comes to ask the soul to lift their eyes and hearts to the higher consciousness of their being and to let go the belief and limitation of their physical self. She works with souls that have become attached to their physical self and those who find it difficult to remember their soul path and the heart of their eternal spirit that knows no boundaries or limitations. She calls to the soul to open the mind and heart of the lower realms and to let go the pain and suffering the soul is attached to that it believes is its story and its truth. She calls to the soul and says: “Dear ones, you are so much more than your stories of pain. You are so much more than one tiny experience (lifetime) spent in the physical matter. This is but an experience for you yet it is not your truth. We ask you not to measure who you are and your reality on these stories of experience that you perceive in your mind’s eye and to let go the e-motions of energy that fill you as you focus on this story you have created as your truth. For dear ones this will not serve you to be all that you are in divine truth.”
Give your pain over and let it go. Give your suffering over and let it go. Give your limitations over and be free to walk your path with an open heart and mind, no longer trapped in the past, no longer focused on the future goal, the next step, but present in the beauty and love of your divine self and allow yourself to be held in this place no matter what you may be experiencing in the physical plane of existence. For this too will pass. But the eternal spirit of you is always present, dear ones. We come to hold you and to bless you and to support you to embrace your divine truth through the wisdom of your spirit.