Noelene Bird

Keeper of the Healing Flame of Harmony in the Geart from Sirius
NSW, Australia

Channel seed: Expresser
Oversouling Master: Divine Mother
Higher Self: Joaquim Shi Lanto

We work from the temples of Sirius and we bring the knowledge of the polarity of the world of matter that affects each and every soul in this universe. Yet in truth this polarity is the cause of all growth and evolution in this universe because it causes the soul to become more of that which it is and to explore and create more of itself. We hold the keys of healing in the conscious self so that all may understand that to come into harmony with the universe around you there needs to be acceptance of your path of learning and that all will not be as you wish it to be.

For in truth, it is in this knowledge that the consciousness grows and heals, coming into peace of itself and accepting the plan as divine and honouring the many paths you have chosen to walk. Yes, at times your path may hold you on a course into polarity or the light and shadow; and yes indeed the paths may bring you to unity and oneness. Yet each path assists the consciousness of your soul to grow and to become more of that which it is.

Har Nal

Keeper of the Flow of the Creation Center

Glastonbury, UK

Channel Seed: Connector
Oversouling Masters: Divine Mother
Higher Self: Serenia Ma Diva Aum

The symbol of creation is a spiral that returns again and again to its source. It flows out into the world and connects with all in its path and then returns to its center in deep connection. This is the divine flow of creation, beloved heart. It is the flow that the true heart of the soul makes when it is aligned and in oneness with all.

It always returns home to its core and knows the way for it never forgets its connection to the heart of its Source, no matter where it strays or flows. This is the gift we bring to you to remind you again and again of the heart core, the true center of you. In this way your consciousness returns to its truth no matter where it flows and what it meets and this is the divine gift that allows all to remain centered and flowing all at the same time.

PLUS Receive a Free Gift from the Home Is The Heart Trinity

Debbie Skye

Grid Keeper of the Hearts of Light
Hervey Bay, Australia

Channel Seed: Creator
Oversouling Master: Lord Maitreya
Higher Self: Nimenstra Alleilah

This higher self of your being is held through the 7th to the 21st dimensions of light and they travel all over the Universe.  This is often why you have felt that many parts of you are not of the Earth. Yet this higher self is very connected in service to the Earth because they assist the leylines of the heart consciousness of God to be anchored and interfaced with each other in the heart consciousness of each being they are assigned to work with, either on the Earth plane or in other dimensions of the soul heart. This higher self-works with the soul heart if each being and aligns the soul heart to its highest divine truth in deep connection to the One Heart of God, fully manifested through the feminine and masculine energy of the being. The gift this higher self-offers is for you to manifest the ability to align the feminine and masculine consciousness in the hearts of men and women on the Earth in alignment with their soul heart so they may release their separation to the heart of God and the duality they hold in their being which they manifest in their reality as their truth.