The Mentors of Love and Wisdom Trinities have worked together from 2-to-4 years developing a profound connection to their Higher Selves through their open channel portal. Each mentor has worked to release the unresolved karma held through the monadic connections of their trinity to assist humanity to come into balance through the love and wisdom of the three light councils that they are connected to.
As advanced channels, each mentor in the trinity has learned to open to receive the guidance and loving wisdom of their higher self and share this gift with their trinity and with humanity.
Each trinity represents the Tree of Life and all that is received flows in a spiral consciousness up and down the Tree of Life.
The Expressor sits in the branches of the Tree of Life in the third eye and throat chakras. The Connector sits in the trunk of the Tree of Life in the heart and the solar plexus chakras. The Creator sits in the roots of the Tree of Life in the sacral and base chakras.
You may connect with these trinities to receive your own healing and assistance through the Tree of Life.