How Does One Open One’s Heart To The Divine?

Channeled by: Ben, Marakisa, Lily and Tracey.

Matara Loquan (Ben)

Matara Loquan steps forward now, he wishes to share how one is to open to the divine. One connects to the divine, it is always within you dear ones, there is no need to go looking we say to look within to that golden flame within your heart.

Blessings and thank you.

Venusia (Marakisa)

Venusia steps forth. She does with a smile. The smile is the seed that takes us to our heart and the path of our expanded self. The smile we feel upon our face opens our heart to the love that’s within. We invite you to feel the smile upon your face and to follow the breath to all parts of your being. We invite you to share this smile with others and in so doing inviting them to connect to the love that’s within and surrounds us, in all ways, all days, in all time. It’s the smile that’s the gift. We honour and thank you.

Aiylenai (Lily)

To connect deeply and open your heart to the Divine is to use the breath to go deeply within your own heart and to be fully anchored on the Earth. Step out of your mind Beloved and see the world through your heart. To honour yourself deeply at all times, feel the innocence in your heart. To have compassion for all who meets you on this Earth you must first open your heart to yourself Beloved, and this is where you will find your Divinity.

It is not something we need to search for, it is always with us. The key is the breath and compassion for self and full acceptance of all that you are, all that you have been and to honour your shadow and your light. Open your heart to the beauty within and the eternal flame of your heart. You are a Divine Child of God and it is you that needs to believe this and to be able to open your heart to your own Divinity Beloved.

Continue to drop deeply into your heart, to always come back to the breath, always come back to forgiveness and compassion and to stay out of judgment. To see each one the same as we are, we are all one. We are all Divine.


Ishiana Mayla (Tracey)

Ishiana Mayla steps forward to you. Opening your heart to the Divine. It’s in your breath beloved ones, every time you breathe, each time you take that breath you connect to the Divine, the divine part of you if you allow, it’s in your intention, your intention to connect.

Allow the love to flow through. Be in the moment, be in the now, the connection is always there, breathe deeply and allow, surrender to it, it’s never far, it’s never gone, it’s always with you. Blessings

What does it mean to open one’s heart to the Divine?

Matara Loquan (Ben)

Blessings dear hearts to open one’s self to the divine is to open up to all things and all possibilities in your life. See everything as one and everything in your heart as one and divine. As all is equal and asks you to share your love in each and every moment in your life. And to open up to these new possibilities as they all are divine. Blessings

Venusia (Marakisa)

Venusia wishes to share that opening one’s heart to the divine is to step beyond the fear and to let go, surrender to the flow of light and love. To be embraced and wrapped in eternal embrace of being and becoming all that you are. To no longer be apart from but to be connected and held by all creation; and allowing all of creation to blossom and bloom. It is a simple process if we allow it. Blessings.

Aiylenai (Lily)

To truly open one’s heart to the Divine is to open one’s heart to oneself. To truly honour all that you are, to drop deeply into the centre of your being to allow your eternal flame to shine Beloved.

To release all the judgments you may have of your own journey and therefore to release judgments of all others. And as you open up to your own Divinity it is opening all portals of your heart to the full potential of your light.

To increase your frequency, increase your eternal flame as wide as can be, reaching all dimensions. And once you do this Beloved and you connect truly with the Divinity within your own heart, you will begin to see divinity in everyone else.

The Divine exists in all things, there is no separation and when things occur within your life that you are not happy with, that you wish to be something else, remember the Divine is there. Each person that may disappoint you is also Divine.

So when we open our hearts to Divinity, we are able to open our heart to unconditional love. To full acceptance of each one and everything, to step out of the thought forms, to step out of the judgments and to truly surrender to the process that is occurring.

And as you open your heart fully to your own Divinity you connect to your innocence and you are able to sit in the stillness of love and in this still point of time there is only love. And this is what it means to truly open your heart to the Divine. It begins with full acceptance of yourself. Blessed be.

Ishiana Mayla (Tracey)

Ishiana Mayla steps forward. Open your heart to the divine, open your heart to that of you, feel the love to all parts of you, receive that love to all parts of you allows you to tap into many parts, the many parts of you that wish to step forward to you. Once you open your heart to that divine part of you, the divinity of all that is around you, your life flows with more grace and ease.

When the heart is open to the Divine Spirit what is the gift to humanity that is given?

Matara Loquan (Ben)

Blessings dear ones your gift is that you connect your love with all and plant a seed with who you meet. Blessings.

Venusia (Marakisa)

Venusia wishes to share that the gift is one of life fully lived and embraced. A celebration of co-creation of divinity. A wild and wonderful dance of light and love and flow and creation that culminates in the expansion flowing across all time, space and dimensions. Is that not what we wish... to fully embrace all parts of our being in connection with all other beings in the universe... in light and play, in joy and celebration. May we embrace this dance of light and love.

May we offer all that we can be to humanity, the earth, the beings we share the planet with... and we come alive.


Aiylenai (Lily)

The gift to humanity when you connect with your Divine spirit is your beautiful open heart. As you come into full acceptance of all of you, you are able to shine your light even brighter and find the joy in being able to express your spirit and your light fully upon this Earth.

And as you are able to accept all of yourself, as you open to all of your gifts and honour your own Divine light you become a beautiful example to all of humanity, to the beautiful possibility that exists in all hearts, in all man.

To fully accept each other to truly work together in peace and co-creation to share our light and our frequency and become one. When there is no judgment and we are able to allow others their journey and their lessons without interfering and to still be able to hold our heart fully open with compassion as a witness to another’s struggle, another’s journey. And to fully receive another’s love without conditions and to fully give our own love without conditions. And to share your light by simply walking upon the Earth is a beautiful example of the connection to the Divine that you hold deep within your heart and the gift to humanity is you. The gift is your light and having the courage to shine as brightly as you can and to share your love with all. Blessed be.

Ishiana Mayla (Tracey)

Ishiana Mayla steps forward to you now. When your heart is open to the Divine spirit, all the gifts that you hold are brought forward to humanity in many ways. You shine your light, it is received by all. The gifts you hold allow it to step forward to be given to humanity, to reverberate out to all who cross your path in many ways, in knowledge, in light, in love, in compassion.

To hold your light open to gift to people is truly a gift, a gift you have to give to all of humanity. These gifts that you hold are able to be received when you are in your divine light. Blessings.