Working with Your Shadows with Lord Maitreya

Channeled by In’Easa mabu Ishtar

Copyright 2018

Blessings Beloved ones, breathe now, choosing to receive, as many councils of light come now. Coming to offer to you the light frequencies from the group heart of their consciousness from the core of each council. This is the group heart, the very core of consciousness that is co-created by each council that comes together unified, united in loving service. 

This is the message that we bring to each and every one of you in this co-creation that we have called forth to be manifested on the Earth. We have called to each one of your souls, beloved ones, and asked them to join this council that you have co-created together, which is linked with many councils of light.

And within each of the councils of light this core is in unification, unified as One with one purpose. Unified in its mission, therefore unified in its core.  So the group heart of each council of light with which you participate and co-create in the other dimensions of light is unified, and aligned to one purpose and mission.

And yet we say to you, beloved ones, at this time your core of consciousness in the group heart is not yet unified to one purpose, one mission.

This is what we have come to speak to you all. For in the heart of humanity there is no unification, no unity, yet there is one mission, not yet aligned, not yet unified to bring peace, calm, and harmony into the heart of humanity.

All of the souls of this galaxy have been called to incarnate into the physical, beloved one, to bring peace, harmony and unity to the heart of humanity. All souls participating in this council of light on Earth to unify in this mission, to let go of their distractions so that the core may align, the core consciousness may unify to their mission.

And indeed, beloved ones, in the core consciousness that you call the group heart it is the same.  Your mission, your core purpose of existing is to co-create. Learn how to do this to co-create peace in your heart. Yet at this time, there is much distraction around this, not yet aligned, not yet unified in the core consciousness of your council that which you call the group heart.

So, at this time your core consciousness cannot yet unify.  Breathe now, beloved ones, we say, breathe of this, and release your distractions at this time. We ask you to focus, to concentrate, breathe into your hearts.

And we have come this day to explain to you not only the purpose of the core consciousness of your group, but the purpose of the core consciousness of humanity. For how can there be peace? How can there be harmony in the core consciousness of any council, beloved ones, when the unresolved karma  that sits within it causes such distraction, such detours of the mind of the ego self? 

So, as we liken your group, your council, to the council of humanity, the core consciousness of humanity, the core consciousness of your group heart, as you so call it.  We will liken it to your trinities that still hold unresolved karma that hold such distraction from your core purpose. And indeed too, your own core consciousness.

For in this, beloved ones, you have been specifically guided to focus and to concentrate on the core karma that is held in each trinity that creates such distraction and illusion for the purpose of your trinities.

For your trinities have been created, beloved one, for this specific purpose. To resolve that which is held in your shadow, your darkness that has forgotten its light and to resolve it, so that you are no longer trapped in your distraction and your limitation but may be free, beloved ones. Free to focus on your purpose with clarity, with unity and with a loving heart, which wishes to give service to humanity for the heart of humanity may then begin to unify.

This is your purpose, beloved hearts. We say you have no other purpose but to focus on co-creation in your core consciousness.

To learn this so you may share the wisdom of this and to resolve the unresolved karma that is held in the  core heart of each one of you that creates such distraction and limitation from your purpose. 

Is this not the focus and purpose of each and every soul on this planet, beloved ones? To resolve that which they have created, which creates destruction and limitation? To resolve all that has been created by you in the physical plane that creates such separation from your purpose and such separation from your soul’s consciousness.

And yet there is so much to distract you, so much you create that causes limitation and distraction, constantly. Yet this is the discipline that all Mentors of Love and Wisdom are being asked to learn, this is your purpose, beloved hearts. 

Listen to the councils of light that have come to oversoul you, to guide your soul to listen, beloved ones.  To be guided by those who have already been co-created in unity in their light for they know the path and yet, beloved ones, you are not listening.

So much is shown to you that you are listening to your mind, to your distraction, to your separation, and this distracts you from your purpose and your core consciousness cannot be unified in this space. 

So dear hearts, we say to you, this is a choice you are being called to make. Your soul has made this choice  and your higher selves that work in unification with their light councils. They are not distracted, nor are they are in limitation to their purpose and focus upon their purpose and so they guide you to this. Yet, in your free will state, beloved hearts, you are constantly distracted by your willfulness.

And so we have come this day to share with you this wisdom about your purpose. All souls have been called to this purpose, and the ego self is asked to let go of its willfulness and to focus on its purpose. And in the times to come, as you have already experienced, many waves of consciousness will come again and again to this planet to remind humanity and each and every ego of its purpose. 

All will be asked to listen to their soul, to the light within them at this time, beloved ones. You have already been called by your soul, even though some of you prefer not to listen. This is your choice and your will.

Each and every one is asked to take responsibility for their choice and their will - all that they create and how this serves or does not serve them as they create separation energy in their lives. 

Indeed, beloved hearts, this is what occurs in the core consciousness of each and every soul. To live your willfulness through your ego, you continue to co-create consciousness in separation. This you call your aspects, the parts of you in your shadow, in the darkness, yet not in your light.  It is this that all souls are called to work with on this planet. It is the purpose for each and every soul. Your ego tells you many other things are your purpose and it is greatly distracting and willful. 

Your soul will tell you that all you have come to be and to learn is to co-create within yourself unification of your being.  For, beloved one, how can you unify in your council of the Mentors of Love and Wisdom when you have not yet unified within you?  All that is not yet unified within you will surely be magnified within your council for all to see. 

This is why we have guided you for all the years that you have worked with us to resolve your karma.  To work with this consciousness, to unify within yourself, the energy of limitation and separation that you hold within you, so you may come into harmony and peace within you.  It requires you to work with your soul and your higher consciousness of you, beloved one. This cannot be done through the willfulness of your ego, as you are trying on many levels to do. Be guided by the light of you, we say, and not by the willfulness of your ego. 

It is time for to surrender. The battle continues and rages within each of you and if you cannot surrender, ask yourself why you will not listen to your soul and to your light?

Choose not to prefer to remain limited in the physical consciousness in the 3rd dimension of reality and duality, creating continually disharmony and separation in your hearts, the core consciousness of you.  Your souls weep for this, beloved ones, for they see your light and potential and they weep at your willfulness.

So we say to you, beloved hearts, let us speak to you of the unresolved karma that sits within you. Let us speak of your willfulness. Let us speak of your ego, for your ego has no agenda to co-create. It does not want to co-create. It wishes to control. It wishes to manipulate so that it may continue to reign in its willfulness. 

It is your soul that wishes to co-create, beloved ones, to unify, to bring peace into your consciousness, to bring harmony. And it is only through surrender, beloved ones, that this will occur. 

When you are in resistance and cannot surrender you will always have reactions, beloved heart.  Observe your reactions we say, for it will show you all that is in resistance to you, resistance to embracing what you have been asked to embrace.

And the ego, the willfulness that refuses to embrace what it has been asked to embrace, so you go into reaction and your emotions swell around you and then you go into separation and your heart closes and you have no access to your light, as you are sitting in the darkness of your heart and your ego will then begin to tell you, to speak to you, to decide for you. 

Even though you think you are connected, when your heart is closed you are no longer receiving from your light, from your soul, from your Higher Self.  We are asking you to remove the veils of your eyes and your heart and to understand, beloved ones, what is occurring in your separation. To observe this, to watch it that you may recognize what is occurring.

Choose not to judge, beloved one, there is nothing to judge. It is to simply observe what occurs in this realm of duality.

You may listen to the core light of you or you may listen to the separation of you, which sits in the 3rd dimension. And it is for you to understand the frequency, the vibration, the energy of the consciousness you are listening too.

Are you listening to your light with an open heart, receiving in full surrender or are sitting in reaction, resistance, separation in the shadow? We say to you, beloved heart, it is no coincidence that on this planet that one half is in the shadow and one half is in the light. One half is in the shadow of the moon and one half is in the light of the sun. For it is a reflection of you, one half of you in your feminine  heart of God connects fully to the light of God and receives in full surrender, and one half of  you works through the light you manifest on the Earth and sees this as simply all that there is.

So beloved ones, in your hearts, in your consciousness, for each and every part of you held in the separation in the shadow there is another part of you that held in the light within you. This is the council of you, beloved one, and your purpose is to unify this council within you to bring all into co-creation, not to judge that which sits in the shadow or that which sits in the light to compete with each other, not to control each other, but to bring both the shadow and the light into unification. Unifying all, aligning all  to your purpose.

And there is but one purpose - to create peace and harmony together in itself to unify all. Co-create together, honouring the light and the dark, honouring the higher self and the physical self. Iit is not to destroy one and keep the other, we say. It is not to throw away one and keep the other. It is not to simply close the door on one and listen to the other. It is to balance your councils of light, beloved hearts. 

Where you have a shadow, beloved one, that is trapped in its unresolved karma you will have a light of this. You will have a mirror of this in the light. beloved one.  To co-create together with the karma is but the story, the story, you have created around this. It is to let this go for that which is in the shadow will come into the light and that which is in the light will come into the shadow and shine its light.  For there is no separation between the two, beloved one, all is One. 

So we say to you when you speak of the aspects of self - your separation energy - do not speak of them as separate to you for they are not. They are part of your group consciousness. They are part of your light, aligned to your light, aligned to your purpose, yet simply trapped in an old story that holds separation and limitation within it. 

We say to you, beloved ones, that there is naught outside of you that is separate to you, they are you. We say to you, beloved one, they are not your thoughts, for so many of you see your thoughts and beliefs as part of your shadow self, not wishing to own your thoughts and your own beliefs, your own patterns of behavior and blaming it on you on the shadow, but this is not so. 

Many, many thoughts, beloved one, many, many patterns that you have created that you are attached to. These are not your shadows, beloved one, not even your karma, for they are simply your choice, beloved ones. Do not blame this, do not project this on to your shadows, own this, beloved ones, own your thoughts, own your beliefs, own what you have created for yourself, your habits of behaviour, for many blame this on a part of themselves that does not exist. 

Simply wishing to give it away, or to give it away to a part of themselves that they feel in separation to. We come to you, beloved ones, and we say to you own your thoughts. Own your habits, take full responsibility for what you create and do not give it to another part of you. It is what you are creating or have created,  be conscious of your creations. 

Be mindful of what you are creating in your minds in each moment and do not give it to another part of you to hold for you.  For it is not theirs, so much of what you call your aspects and your shadows and your thoughts, beliefs and habits you have created through your ego self, beloved ones. Be conscious of your creations of your ego, be conscious of your creations in each and every moment. 

It is not so much to be resolved from the past from your karma but to be conscious and not to create with your ego in the present that it may become past karma.  Breathe now, beloved heart, breathe.  As you breathe deeply within thy self, let go of your judgment now. Do not create judgments in thy self, beloved one, for they will not serve you. Be mindful of your thoughts of this. To judge oneself of what one has created simply creates more separation in your mind and this is the work of your ego.  The ego, beloved one, speaks only of the I, I am and what is the ego, I am, I need, I must, I should, I can. It is only concerned with the I, it has no interest of service, unless it is serving  the I, feeding the I. 

So feed the we, beloved one, the group consciousness. Feed the many parts of yourself, both the light and the dark. The we creates no separation between the two, unlike the ego, it holds in its embrace and calls all to come home to harmony and peace within.

It calls all to unify and calls all to come into agreement to honour each other, to accept each other, to embrace each other.  It calls forth for all to let go of preferences of what the I wants and does not want, what the I likes and does not like.  The soul calls forth for the surrender of preferences and asks all to work towards the common cause, the common purpose in the group heart, to surrender distractions and limitation to the common cause the common purpose of the soul. 

For unless there is co-creation in alignment and communication within you, then the the soul cannot meet its purpose. So it calls to the we - to all the many parts of the being across space and dimensions - to come into unity. To find the love where all is honoured and respected, all is accepted and all is embraced, this is the calling of the soul.  Yet the ego only wishes to be embraced, to be accepted, it wishes to be honoured.  Even when it gives it wishes for something in return to the I. 

So you are asked to be mindful of your egos, beloved ones, this is the consciousness of you held in the plains of duality for it has learned well of the planes of duality. It is not the consciousness of your soul that guides the core consciousness of you .  To focus on its purpose, we call to you to honour the light and the dark, the mirror of the sun and the shadow within you, the sun and the moon.

To honour this within you. For every shadow in the moon there is a consciousness in the light. And we say to you how do you work with these parts of you in the shadow that are in separation trapped in unresolved karma?  For we say to you not all parts of you are in the shadow of the moon trapped in unresolved karma, and some parts of you in the light are trapped within the sun and the moon may hold unresolved karma.  Let all parts of you sit in the light, let all parts of you sit in the shadow.  For in this all will learn.

Do not judge what is held but surrender and resolve the old stories that wrap all parts of you in separation.

When you have a part of you, beloved one, that is wrapped in separation, held and trapped in unresolved karmic consciousness, it will close your heart, and disconnect you from your light. Call to your light, call to the part of you in the light that is connected to this part in the shadow, call to it we say, beloved one. 

Bring in into the core consciousness of you and ask it to come and unify with this part of you in the shadow. Ask it to come and bring its light to the part in the shadow. Ask it come and be the mirror of its light for this part of you in the shadow. Begin to work with your multi-dimensional self, so you may unify your core consciousness.  Bring this part of you to honour and acknowledge this part of you in the shadow. Do not ask your ego to do this, for it cannot, beloved one.

Nor can your mind call this part of you in the light that is the mirror to this part of you in the shadow.  Call to it to come to you to bring balance and harmony to this part of you, beloved heart, call to it. 

And as you breathe now, breathe into your hearts, beloved one. Breathe in to your heart, ask the Sacred Flame from Your Divine Source to activate in your Heart and as you breathe stand in this Golden Flame in your Heart. Stand in this Golden Flame of your heart and breathe deeply of this. Let all else around you drop away now. Make this your focus, beloved ones, make this your focus. 

Breathe deeply and call to your core consciousness - all of the parts of you in the light and all parts of you in the shadow - to be present so you may sit with the council of you. 

As you breathe from your Sacred Flame, with your out breath send this Sacred Flame to your council illuminating all with your loving light, both your light and your shadow.  Illuminating all that you have created with your consciousness in the earthly realms in separation and illuminating with your loving heart all that you have created of your consciousness in the light in unification. And breathe your Sacred Flame to all, beloved one, honouring all.

Honouring all journeys in the light and in the shadow, honouring all journeys, beloved one. Each and every journey is as important as the other, each and every journey teaches and inspires, and illuminates and brings wisdom.  Breathe deeply of your Sacred Flame. Focus upon this. Do not be distracted by limitation and separation. Open your heart and focus, we say, and with each out breath share this Sacred Flame of your Divine Source with all that you are. 

And as you breathe now, call to your Higher Self to connect with you heart-to-heart in your Sacred Flame, the Higher Self you are working with at this time.  Share you Sacred Flame with this Higher Self of you. Share this Sacred Flame with this Higher Self of you.  Open your heart to embrace this Higher Self of you. Allow them to merge with you, become One with you.  Breathe deeply, beloved hearts, breathe deeply and surrender to this. Breathe and allow this mergence of your Higher Self.

Feel their love, feel their deep connection with you.  As you do, beloved ones, consider all the karma that you have been asked to work with. All that is held in this karma - the many stories and experiences created in the shadows in the physical plane. So many stories, so many experiences, so much reaction and resistance that you have been asked to meet, yet have not yet met, still in resistance.  Honouring it, accepting it and embracing it, with an open heart. Simply choosing each time it comes to meet you to go into separation, creating resistance to it, reacting to it.  Creating experience after experience through your reaction that causes pain and suffering and separation to your light.

And as you think on all of this, all of this combines to be a great shadow, consciousness that you work with in many, many reactions and experiences, beloved one, all created in separation to your truth. All in resistance to what you have been asked to meet in your physical experience on this planet, creating much unresolved karma held in the consciousness of your being in the shadow.

And still held in the heart of humanity and the heart of Mother Earth.  When these are all combined they create the mirror of your Higher Self in the shadow, another part of your group consciousness filled with much separation through its unresolved karma. 

Over so many life times, so many incarnations and so many experiences, yet all in resistance to the one thing you have been asked to meet in the physical plane - to honour, to accept and to embrace.  Yet your resistance has created such separation within you to your light.  Bring this consciousness now, beloved ones, into your Sacred Flame. Bring it all and call to your Higher Self to embrace it. Bring to it the light, the mirror of the light that it is. The wisdom that it holds.  For your Higher Self is the mirror of the light of the karma that you are working on in your trinity, beloved ones. 

There is no coincidence that you have been connected to this Higher Self, beloved one. It is the mirror of your group consciousness, the mirror of this karma that you have created in the shadows of the physical plane and just as powerful as your Higher Self . This part of you that holds the shadow consciousness is just as powerful, the mirror for each other, of this light and the shadow.  Call to them meet and to come into the Sacred Flame together that they may share this mirror, that they may connect. Open your heart to this, beloved one. Share your Sacred Flame to each one in deep gratitude for each one, for all that they teach you. 

In the deep knowledge, beloved one, of this co-creation and how it may release separation if you surrender to it, gently, slowly, acknowledging and honouring each other.  Letting go of all resistance of each other, accepting each other.  Embracing each other, breathe deeply and allow this connection to occur so you may begin this work and truly focus on releasing the attachment your ego holds to this karma that you have created within you on the Earth.  Breathe deeply and allow the light and the shadow of you to come into Oneness together to allow this to begin, beloved heart.

This co-creation, this unification within you. To begin, to be mindful of your ego that is so attached to the karma that is held by your shadow and so often does not wish for this to be resolved. It will be in great resistance of this if this is so for you. Your mind will begin to speak to you to tell you other things. You have a choice, beloved ones. You may listen to your Soul or the ego mind, this is your Mastery we say.

And you can only come to unification through mastery, mastery of thy self and only you may choose this.  Allow the connection to your shadow and your light to be open we say in your group consciousness. Allow yourself to understand there is always a mirror of your shadow in the light and the light in the shadow. Work with this focus, beloved one, on the karma that you have been ask to resolve in your trinities and let yourself not to be distracted by this.

Listen to your Soul, listen to the Light that is held by your Higher Self that holds so many gifts to assist you to resolve this karma and let not your ego mind distract you into separation as it does so often, beloved one, through its willfulness.

Only you can make this choice, beloved ones, for no one else can control this for you, only you.  You are the master of your will, you are the Master of your choices. No one but you, beloved one holds this key. Be the master of you will, beloved ones, for this is what you have come to learn.

Focus on the purpose of your soul, focus on the mission of your soul.  Focus on the purpose of your trinity to resolve you karma that you have come together to resolve for yourselves, for humanity for Mother Earth and for all beings of light, beloved ones. Create unification in your hearts, between your light and your shadow. Create unification in your trinities between your light and your shadow. Create unification in the core consciousness of the Mentors of Love and Wisdom of your light and shadow. Honour each, beloved heart, and be the master of your will.

When you master your ego you are the master of will, we say.  Breathe deeply and trust your Higher Self, beloved one, for it holds the keys and gifts that will heal, support and embrace and hold the consciousness of unresolved karma that sits in the shadows and that sits in the physical plane that you created and that you are being ask to resolve on all levels. 

Constantly bring your light and your shadow together that the mirror may be shown to your shadow and the mirror may be shown to your light, so that all may be aligned and unified. 

This is the gift of wisdom we bring to you this day. It is for you to choose to receive it, beloved ones, in your mastery. We bless and honour you. Blessed Be. Blessed Be. Blessed Be


Question and Answers

 Q: I wish for clarification because Maitreya said that the light and our shadow mirror each other. I, so I guess in bringing them together but i’m a little confused because when we have worked with our aspects in the past sometimes it takes a little while to work with them, afraid to be in the light, how would showing them the mirror in the light resolve it.

 Ishtar: It is like a twin flame and within what she was shown that in your councils there is a light and a shadow that is part of the same part of you and so it is like having twins, you have always been in separation to, bringing in to you, it may cause a big reaction. I don’t believe Maitreya shared what it will do, (Barbra sharing it seems very simple ) he was sharing it is the beginning, when the shadow comes up to call to your Higher Self as the shadow work you are doing the trinity. It is not all of your shadow work. However the core of the shadow work you are being asked to work with to assist the collective of humanity and it is a big part of you, you could do it with any part of you.  What he is sharing is that we must be very conscious of what we are saying are our aspects. They are not your emotions or thought. This is not our aspects. It may be trigger, but it is not our aspects. It is our own choosing of what how we react to it. We are giving it to our aspects but it is not theirs. The aspects themselves are a big consciousness with all of the experiences filled with the separation energy on the earth plane. It is your higher self that holds the gifts with this part and they are connected. When you connect them then the gifts are able to be shown. But because of the shadow the gifts are being distorted - they are both needing to come together to create unification, for both parts need this connection  - that is what I was shown. Today was a huge upgrade for me through the channel.
The light is being distorted in the physical plane hence we need to link the two – light and shadow, and to look at the gifts of your higher self. Your higher self holds the light for that which has been distorted in the shadow on the physical plain.

It could cause reaction in you, and once again it is what you are choosing. It is the Mastery of your Will and it is very important


When you go into reaction you are in resistance to what you are being asked to meet. It is something you are in resistance to - you don’t want to like it, you don’t want to honour it, you don’t want to acknowledge it, you don’t want to accept it and you certainly don’t want to embrace it.

So what ever it is you have gone into resistance. As soon as you go into resistance your heart closes and you can’t receive your light. You can’t receive your wisdom because your heart closes. I know a lot of us try to tell ourselves that our heart does not close, but our heart does and so we are disconnected from our light. We cannot receive our wisdom.

We are working solely from our ego mind when we go into reaction and so we go into all this reaction stuff, whether that be our emotions or stories, beliefs, what ever it is. We create all this stuff.

We are not connected so what the Masters have asked us to do when that occurs which is to actually watch it , don’t judge it, don’t change it, don’t try and fix it straight away, but watch it. Watch what the ego is creating with it, watch your ego, for it is your ego that is creating it. Become the observer of your reactions and become the observer of what you are resisting - what is the resistance that you do not want to meet?

What are you refusing to accept, and it won’t be just a belief or person, there is something deep in this life time you are being asked to meet. Become really observant and watchful. Spend several days observing it, seeing what is happening with it, be the silent witness of it. Then when you have understood what you are resisting then work with it.

Call on your Higher self to help you work with it. You may call on your higher self at the start to help you to observe it - it is not the reaction that you are having it is what you are creating from it. The aspect is the part in resistance to meeting what ever you are being asked to meet for all sorts of reason.

Watch what you create when you are disconnected to the light - don’t blame it on your aspects as you are creating it not your aspect. It does not need your extra stuff placed on it as it is already struggling within itself. 

Apply this to yourself and others. When others are in reaction don't try to fix them for when they are in their aspects they are in resistance. Their heart is shut down and they are not ready to receive anything. So you can not do anything. You can hold Sacred Space for them. Yes, but don’t try to fix them or heal them when they are in this space.

Let them calm down. Then you may help by asking what they need to receive when they are in reaction. Their heart has closed down, their heart has to open again in order to be able to receive. We are not talking about your physical heart, your emotions, we are talking about your consciousness, the portal of your consciousness. Reconnect with all parts of you again.  That is a really good thing when someone is in reaction, they are in resistance, and if you can ascertain what you are really in resistance to, what your soul is asking you to meet, that you don’t want to meet, what your soul is asking you to embrace that you don’t want to embrace, then you will really understand the gift that is coming to you, and what is your resistance to the gift.

This is a big learning for a whole new way of working with our aspects.


Q: To be clear, we are working with this individually but we are working with this within the group heart of our trinities


A: Ishtar – Yes. The Group Heart of the Mentors of Love and Wisdom and in the Group Heart of Humanity as it is related to all of us  - it is very much in our selves, then it ripples out to the mentors of our trinity.

Each member of your trinity sees this karma and has a different experience of this so they can often give a different perspective of it to the others that they don’t see. This is why you have been brought together in the 3 seeds. Also to listen to your Higher Self and their perspective, as often your ego’s perspective and your higher selves perspective will be very different. Your ego is going to be very much about the I and your higher self is always about the we.  Remembering your group heart is a reflection of humanity.

The three seeds will have a different way of looking at what is, and this is what is so beautiful. When you get stuck in your perspective you can not see much else, so the other members of your trinity help you to see another way of it, and this helps to pull you out of that limitation. They can give you another view point of it. That is the gift they bring to you all the time.

That is what a Mentor does, that is the gift of the way we work.

We do this for ourselves then we get assistance from the Light councils that our Higher Selves are connected to and from the Masters, but we also get assistance from the other two members of our trinity who are connected with their Higher Selves and the Light Councils that they work with. Then we also get assistance from the whole Group Heart and that karma comes into the group heart and that is how we actually ripple it out through Humanity. It is a very profound co-creation.


Q: I wish for clarification because Lord Maitreya said that the light and our shadow mirror each other. I am a little confused because when we have worked with our aspects in the past and sometimes it takes a little while to work with them, afraid to be in the light, how would showing them the mirror in the light resolve it?

Ishtar: It is like a twin flame. There is a light and a shadow that is part of the same part of you and so it is like having twins and parts that you have always been in separation to. So you are asked to bring them into you instead of separating them. Yes it may cause a big reaction. When the shadow comes up call to your Higher Self for assistance. You are being asked to work with this karma to assist the collective of humanity, yet this karma is a big part of you. Lord Maitreya is asking you to be very conscious of what you are saying are your aspects. They are not your emotions or thought forms. This is not your aspects. It may be a trigger, but it is not your aspects. It is our own choosing of how you react to the shadow inside of you. When we blame our aspects it is not theirs. The aspects themselves are a big consciousness with all of the experiences that are filled with the separation energy on the earth plane. It is your higher self that holds the gifts for this part of you and they are connected. When you connect them then the gifts are able to be shown. But because of the shadow the gifts are being distorted - they are both (light and shadow) needing to come together to create unification, for both parts.  

The light is being distorted in the physical plane hence we need to link the two – light and shadow. We are being asked to look at the gifts of your higher self. Your higher self holds the light for that which has been distorted in the shadow on the physical plain.

This could cause reaction in you, but once again it will be what you are choosing. You are asked to come into the Mastery of your Will. Yhis is very important

When you go into reaction you are in resistance to what you are being asked to meet inside of you. It is something you are in resistance to - you don’t want to like it, you don’t want to honour it, you don’t want to acknowledge it, you don’t want to accept it and you certainly don’t want to embrace it.

So whatever it is you have gone into resistance to you are being asked to bring the light to it. As soon as you go into resistance your heart closes and you can’t receive your light. You can’t receive your wisdom because your heart closes. I know a lot of us try to tell ourselves that our heart does not close, but our heart does close when we go into separation to ourselves and so we are disconnected from our light. We cannot receive our wisdom.

When this occurs we are working solely from our ego mind and we go into reaction. So we go into all this reaction stuff, whether that be our emotions or stories, beliefs, whatever it is. We create all this stuff. We are being asked to own this.

We are not connected so what the Masters have asked us to do when that occurs. Instead we are asked to watch it -  don’t judge it, don’t change it, don’t try and fix it straight away, but watch it. Watch what the ego is creating with this energy. Watch your ego, for it is your ego that is creating it. Become the observer of your reactions and become the observer of what you are resisting. What is the resistance that you do not want to meet?

What are you refusing to accept. It won’t be just a belief or person. There is something deep in this life time you are being asked to meet. Become really observant and watchful. Spend several days observing it, seeing what is happening with it, be the silent witness of it. Then when you have understood what you are resisting then and ONLY then you can begin to work with it in open heart.

Call on your Higher self to help you work with it. You may call on your higher self at the start to help you to observe it - it is not the reaction that you are having it is what you are creating from it. The aspect is the part in resistance to meeting whatever you are being asked to meet for all sorts of reason.

Watch what you create when you are disconnected to the light - don’t blame it on your aspects because you are creating it not your aspect. Your shadow does not need your extra stuff placed on it as it is already struggling within itself. 

Apply this to yourself and others. When others are in reaction don't try to fix them for when they are in their aspects they are in resistance. Their heart is shut down and they are not ready to receive anything. So you cannot do anything. You can hold Sacred Space for them. Yes, but don’t try to fix them or heal them when they are in this space.

Let them calm down. Then you may help by asking what they need to receive when they are in reaction. Their heart has closed down, their heart has to open again in order for them to be able to receive.

We are not talking about your physical heart, your emotions, we are talking about your consciousness, the portal of your consciousness. Reconnect with all parts of you again. 

If you can ascertain what you are really in resistance to, what your soul is asking you to meet, that you don’t want to meet, what your soul is asking you to embrace that you don’t want to embrace, then you will really understand the gift that is coming to you, and what is your resistance to the gift.

This is a big learning for a whole new way of working with our shadows.