What is the Channel with Mary Magdalene
Channelled by In’Easa mabu Ishtar
Copyright 2018
Beloved hearts, we welcome you to this place of ancient wisdom. The elders of your tribe have come to this place of ancient wisdom to reconnect and to mirror that which they are.
For they have been called to this place so they may honour the wisdom that sits within them, as they may receive this ancient wisdom in their hearts.
And we say to you beloved hearts, in this place there is much of the wisdom of your planet. It flows into this portal from the heavens and from the Earth and comes together to enlighten and nourish.
And dear ones, we say to you that you are each like this portal, for this portal is the Channel. It receives the wisdom ancient of the Earth and the wisdom from the Cosmos and it then shares that which it receives all around you. And like this portal your roots, your energies must be anchored deeply into the Earth.
There are many levels of this portal beloved heart, each flow deeply into the very heart, the very centre of Mother Earth and it has many ley lines that reach out across this planet and it is connected to all other portals of the Earth not simply by one or two ley lines but by all the ley lines. And then dear hearts, it reaches up through many dimensions of its being, many, many layers, many, many, levels and reaches to the Cosmos and it is connected by many filaments of light through all these dimensions connected to the wisdom of the Cosmos that flows from the heart of Source. And it flows deeply into this portal.
And we come to say to you each one of you that have come to open the Channel of their being are asked to understand that you are a portal in the same way this portal is a living portal. And you have been created for this and it is, beloved heart, like a transmitter. You receive and you send out and yet you are anchored deeply into the heart of Mother Earth and you are connected to many ley lines to many other portals of the Earth and you are connected through many light filaments beloved one, to the Cosmos.
And yet dear hearts your portal is limited. It is limited by what you allow to flow through you. For we say to you beloved heart, you are connected through the Cosmos and yet at times you focus only on the Galaxy in which you exist, and at times you focus only on the place on the Earth in which you exist, but choose not to reach down deeply into the heart of Mother Earth.
And beloved one to reach out through the light of connection of your being to all that you are connected to on the Earth, to the many dimensions of you in the same way that you reach out to the Cosmos and to reach out to the many filaments of your being to connect to all that is.
And so we say to you beloved one to leave the mental mind of the physical self and to be the Channel you will be asked again and again to step out of this place and to realise and acknowledge the more of that which you are.
For if this portal that sits in this place (Glastonbury) became lost in its physical self it would see itself simply as a hill with grass and sheep and humans walking upon it and this would be all that it is and it would have no consciousness of its multidimensional self. It would have no consciousness of all that it is. It would simply be its physical self, the physical manifestation of itself. And so it would sit in its limitation, unaware that it is connected to all that is around it, the many planes of consciousness through all dimensions.
And so beloved ones we say to you, be the living portal, and open to the many dimensions of your being. Reach down deeply into the Earth heart of you and reach out all around you and connect with the many dimensions of the Earth that you are and the ancient wisdom that sits within you that has been brought to this planet to support you. And breathe deeply and reach out and connect through the many filaments of light of your being and reach far beyond this Galaxy.
Step out of the ancient stories beloved one, and reach out for the consciousness of light that exists all around you. And to do this beloved heart, it requires you to open the consciousness of your heart to understand that this is a portal of connection, a gateway of many, many, gateways that opens you to many, many, places. And unless you choose to open beloved one and to receive then you will remain as a hill in your physical manifestation, simply tending to the sheep and believing this is all that you are, yet unable to live your truth.
So we call to you beloved hearts, open your heart consciousness, let go your stories and your fears and open your hearts wide to receive for it is important for you to learn to receive. For you spend so much time beloved one, in tending to the sheep around you, for you believe that the physical manifestation is your truth and so you occupy your time with all that is around you in the physical, sending your energy out to this.
Yet we ask you to come within and to receive from the many dimensions of you. The sheep around you beloved ones are well tended, they will eat of the grass that is there and they have no need for you to feed them and to simply send your energies out again and again.
Yet, you dear ones have great need to sit within and to receive. We do not ask this of the sheep on the grass around you, or the people that walk upon your hill. We ask you dear ones to sit within the very centre of you and to open to receive from the Universe around you, to receive from the conscious energy through the inner planes of all the dimensions and open to the wisdom that you are. For there is much that you receive beloved ones, but while you occupy yourselves with all that is walking upon your hill then you are unable to go within and to receive.
And we say to you as the Channel, it is very important for you to go within and to open and receive. Receive from the ancient planes of wisdom, receive, dear ones, from the ancient planes of light, receive from the consciousness of love that is all around that you.
None of this can be found on your hill beloved one. You will only find the grass and the sheep and the people that walk upon it but this is not the consciousness that we speak of.
We wish you to go within your heart and to open to receive the awakened consciousness of the light that comes through the higher dimensions from the Earth and from the Cosmos of your being that you are connected to. For we say to you the portal is the transmitter but until the transmitter is full of the consciousness of light then there is nothing to transmit except the grass and the sheep beloved heart. And this is not what the Channel is here to transmit.
So we say to your beloved one receive from the consciousness of your enlightened heart and share from this place, yet not from your mind that is so occupied with the grass and the sheep.
Open dear one to receive the light of you and allow it to fill you and it will take your mind into a place it does not know. And it will you take your mind into the mystery of unknowing. And when you step into this place of unknowing, then dear one you have opened the gateway within. And the Channel is asked to become conscious that there are many gateways within you and that you have many levels of you, many dimensions. And each time you open to receive become conscious of a gateway that opens within you. And when this gateway opens beloved one, allow the consciousness of light to flow through you, without interruption, without interference, without control, allow the unknowing to flow and allow the mystery to be.
For you mind constantly wishes to explain. We say dear ones to allow the unknowing to flow through you, for this is what you seek. Open to the unknowing of your being, so that you may expand in this consciousness and it will assist you to let go all attachments that your mind holds, for it fears that continually and brings you back to your sheep and hill.
Be beloved one like this hill in this place. Be the portal of multidimensional consciousness, for this is that which you are. And we come again and again to remind you of this for it is only through this portal of consciousness that you connect with all that is. It is all the unknowing of you, allow it to be the unknowing, allow it to be the mystery and simply open your heart to be filled by it. For the more that you open to receive it, the more dear one, you become and when you become the mystery, then you become the power of the light and it will emanate from you and you will become the transmitter of light that you have come to be.
For you have come to transmit the light of holy consciousness, for in this consciousness beloved one there is unity and holiness and you have come to transmit this. But while you try to impose your grass and your sheep upon it, trying to place them within this mystery, then dear ones you continue to close the gateway and your heart is not expanded to receive.
So we say to you, forget that you are the hill made of grass and covered with sheep but remember that you are the portal of light beloved one. You are multidimensional and ask your heart to open to this and release your fear of where it will take you. Allow yourself to flow with this beloved one, for this is your truth.
While your mind continues to try to place everything in physical context then dear one the gateway remains closed. Let go we say again and again, let go and let yourself be. We bless each and every one in your journey. It is a journey of meeting the all of you. It is the journey of meeting the Source within you. It is the journey of being one with the heart of God.
Choose to walk this journey with an open heart, ready to receive in every moment through all the dimensions of your being but seek not to receive from the grass and the sheep but through the many dimensions of you. We bless you, each and every one and we give thanks to you for opening your hearts to us.