Dealing with Judgement and Criticism - Feminine Heart Trinity
Dear Ones,
Julian steps to you at this time, we honour and we bless you. Perhaps you were wondering if we were coming but we say to you dear ones, we are ever present. We in fact, let you be, to go deeper into your Heart Centre, to be All That You Are, for it is in this place dear ones that you are All That You Are. It is a place where the Ego mind does not join you but merely observes for the Eg`o mind does not understand all this and nor should it. What we are asking you as we have asked so often is, Honour All That You Are.
Sometimes you trip, sometimes you fall. You three are very sensitive beings, you are very susceptible to what is said to you but, remember dear ones, this is the Ego mind at play. Learn to trust yourselves, learn to be All That You Are and to accept this because it is the mind that says it should be different, it should be otherwise. Others are telling you what it should or shouldn’t be or what it could or could not have been and your mind goes into this ‘hole’ and you drop down and you see the darkness instead of the Light.
See this as the opportunity dear ones to learn and to grow for it might feel as though it is criticism and judgement but actually it is not. You might like to hear it in a different tone or vein but merely accept how it is said to you dear ones for it is said without malice or contradiction or an agenda, it is merely sharing something with you. Honour this dear ones. Do not let the mind determine how it should have been said to you but merely surrender to what has been said to you because it is meant in the highest for you.
When you do feel you are being judged, step back and breathe. Remember who you are dear ones, remember who you are. If you know who you are, it does not matter what anybody says to you or how they say it to you, for you will not be in reaction because you know who you are. Remember this always dear ones. See the Light that you shine, see the Light that you actually are and trust dear ones, trust, trust, trust.
Look upon the path you have walked, look how far you have come. Honour this dear ones, honour this. This is the journey you have chosen to be on. Walk forward dear ones, follow the path and understand and know we walk this path with you. Do not allow the emotions of the Ego mind to detract you. These are old beliefs dear ones, old, old, beliefs that no longer serve you dear ones, they no longer serve you. See the Light that you are and walk the path.
We bless you dear ones.
Tannahamia Lielyle Lama comes to you now. We wish to express love and acceptance of the divine beings that each one of you are for we are honoured to be with you all, we are honoured to walk the path with you and observe your growth but we also observe what you interpret as a fall, a mistake, a judgement of self. So we ask you dear ones to not only honour your minds, for this is from where the judgement flows, it flows from the stories, the stories you have within you, parts of you, the fear of being judged and we ask you dear ones that it is important to embrace those feelings of self judgement. Not to emphasise the stories but to observe what you are feeling and embrace the consciousness from whence it comes from, for you have all been taught to embrace those consciousness’s, to love and accept that consciousness and as you do, love and accept your beautiful minds but in doing so, embrace your mind as you speak to the consciousness that you are and speak to the consciousness of the mind also and saying thank you, thank you for right now, we ask you to step to the side. And as you do this, breathe deeply into the beautiful core of yourself to assist you and your mind to be where each of you need to be. Your mind needs to rest and sit to the side, and you, who you are, needs to be within the core of your Heart. Sounds simple yes, does it not? But we say to you, we honour the moments where this is not so simple and in those moments we ask you to breathe even deeper and honour yourself with the patience that you will find within that heart core of yours for we need to say dear ones that we have endless patience for you, infinite patience for you, but at the same time we also honour where you have come and the potential you have yet to see within yourselves. And this brings us great joy and we wish you to feel this joy. Observe how far you have come on your path. Allow this to be the thoughts of your mind and breathe, breathe deeply. Always with you, always on you, always accepting where you are.
We give you now to Nimenstra Alleilah. Beloved ones, much wisdom has been spoken here tonight and the wisdom is truly to simply believe in yourself as we believe in you, simply to stay in this expanded space, the expanded space of Light and not to contract when you feel you are being judged for as Julian said so clearly, when you truly know who you are, there is no one that will make you doubt yourself, this is where you need to aim for, for yourselves. We have all touched upon this wisdom and you all have experiences but yet at times you will allow your vulnerabilities to feel like weaknesses where in truth they are strengths. They allow you the sensitivity to connect deeply to others. It allows you the sensitivity to connect deeply to the matrix of this universe we live within. So honour all that you are in each moment as we honour you. Love all that you are in each moment and yes, love your vulnerabilities, love your sensitivities as they make you uniquely you and they are great gifts in themselves.
Each time you come together, you expand a little more, you trust a little more deeply, you honour each of yourselves more deeply and this is a wondrous thing. Use your sacred breath to sit within your Heart but simply love and honour all that you are and you will become free, free of your own insecurities, free of your own worries for you will know who you are and this will flow through everything that you do, say or touch.
We bless each of you and love you.
Blessings to you.