Receive Gratitude and Clear the Path for a New Beginning
Photo by Jack Taylor on Unsplash
We are pleased to announce the fulfilling celebration of the Autumn/Spring Equinox 2022. During this sacred ceremony, three Mentors of the Trinity of Creation Mothers will channel a meditation for the moment of the equinox, from their Higher Self .
The celebration of the equinox is an ancient tradition that honors the changing of the seasons.
Join us for the Equinox around the world, which marks the start of spring or fall.
Our celebration will be centered on Gratitude and Cleansing.
To learn more about the Trinity of the Mothers of Creation, read our section below "Trinity in the spotlight".
The celebration will take place on Friday 23 September at 8:00 a.m. Sydney time. Please check your local time and date below and put it in your calendar.
CELEBRATION After registering, you will receive a confirmation email with information on how to join the meeting.
The Trinity of Creation Mothers works with Mother Earth and the Elder Mothers to bring peace and harmony to the hearts of all. We work with the councils of creation light who support the Ancient Earth Mothers, who support humanity to evolve and grow. The role of our trinity is to help all align with the heart of Mother Earth and accept her as our teacher and guide of creation and manifestation.