If you would like to book a healing or organise a spiritual counselling session with any of the Mentors of Love and Wisdom trinities please go to this page and look at the trinities that are offering assistance and support at this time.
Each trinity has a specific mastery and gifts they wish to share that they have learned working together with their councils of light and each other in co-creation for the past 4 years. Please read what they offer. Then go into your heart and feel if this resonates for you.
As we always work in co-creation please understand that your session will be held with three divine channels who will channel their higher self wisdom to you.
When you know what it is you wish to receive and what trinity calls to you to work with then please send us an email to organise your healing.
As we are a not-for-profit organisation we will normally respond within 24-48 hours to set up your session. Please be patient ongoing as we need to organise suitable international times and dates with the trinity and yourself and this may take a few days to do.